Breakthrough Newsletter

Volume 5 Issue 4


Breakthrough Newsletter
By George Pitagorsky

Volume V, Issue 4                                                                           Top   April 2013
In This Issue
Step Back to Refresh, Relax & Refuel
BOOK: Managing Conflict in Projects
BOOK: The Zen Approach to Project Management
"Productive insight; clear (often sudden) understanding of a complex situation."  Free Dictionary

Pop the bubble of conditioned thinking and emerge into the creative realm of "no absolutes," continuous change, uncertainty and unlimited possibilities.

Then, there can be innovation, adaptation and optimal performance.
Performance & Open-minded Mindfulness:
Open-minded: questioning everything, accepting diversity and uncertainty. 

Mindful: consciously aware; concentrated.

Foundation for blending process, project, engagement and knowledge management into a cohesive approach to optimize performance.
This Newsletter
Our aim is to stimulate the kind of thinking, dialogue and understanding that leads to optimal performance. 

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Step Back to Refresh, Relax & Refuel

by George Pitagorsky  



Bringing mindful awareness to everything you do is a prescription for highly effective living and optimal performance.


Vacations, retreats, and Sabbaths have a common purpose, to step back from day to day activity and rest. That period can be dedicated to oneself, the universe, or to God. Regardless, it is a period of rest; a time for closing off from the often frantic pace of day to day life to reflect with a more objective perspective from a calm, clear frame of mind.


Typically, people think of these periods of rest and reflection in terms of days or longer in which there is a physical separation from the mundane. It's about leaving town for the beach or mountains or going to the temple or meditation hall. Clearly these retreats from the day-to-day are important and valuable. They give us a concrete taste of being outside and above it all. But why limit it to that?


There are lunch hours and breaks; walks around the block, workout times and more. In fact, anytime you choose to make it so can become a retreat or mini-Sabbath. 


Muslims pray five times a day; Jews, three times. Christians do it eight times a day with the Liturgy of the Hours. Serious meditators reserve two or more times a day for formal practice. These formal periods, if they are entered into consciously as opposed to out of habit or obligation, are little retreats that clearly bring attention to something beyond the mundane.


Taking it a step further, we can take micro-breaks just about any time. These micro-breaks are moments of making sure you are awake and present. Some techniques for waking up throughout the day are:

  • Set a gentle alarm to remind you to come in touch with your body and breathe so you can be present for a moment.
  • Use habitual thought or behavior patterns to wake up and be present. For example, if you have a tendency to get frustrated when your computer responds too slowly or when you or someone close to you makes a trivial mistake, you can use each instance as a reminder to step back and wake up.
  • Recognize when you spontaneously realize that you have been on auto-pilot and in that moment relax and note the difference between being asleep and awake.
  • Use common behaviors, like putting the phone back on the hook or opening or closing a door, as triggers to take a moment to center yourself and relax by coming in touch with your body and breath
  • post pictures or little notes that remind you to awaken from auto-pilot mode and to smile, and relax.

These micro breaks take little time, so the excuse of not having the time to step out of the mundane doesn't work anymore. If you want to live more consciously, cultivate the qualities of optimal performance, loving kindness and compassion, relieve unnecessary stress and tension, etc. then you can take the effort to change the way you use your time.


Are you ready to leave the comfortable place of reactive, habitual behavior to explore what it is like to be in the world but not driven by it?


Ultimately, we want no separation between the mundane or material realm and the absolute or spiritual realm. Mindfulness and conscious awareness can pervade every moment so that while one is doing anything - chopping wood, carrying water, doing the dishes, selling, buying, painting, etc. one realizes that they are immersed in the absolute. This absolute is the all-encompassing boundless field we exist within. When we are aware of it, relaxed in the moment, then there is the possibility to go beyond the reactive subjective, self-centered mode of living to see the big picture and operate optimally.


Until we achieve the ability to be continuously present and aware we need effective methods to train our minds. The training becomes part of our daily life and our daily life receives the benefits of greater clarity, relaxation, responsiveness and general sense of well-being. So take breaks, celebrate Sabbaths and take the opportunity to wake up in the midst of your day.


Relax and enjoy.


© 2013 Pitagorsky Consulting  


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Managing Conflict in Projects
By George Pitagorsky
Managing Conflict in Projects: Applying Mindfulness and Analysis for Optimal Results by George Pitagorsky charts a course for identifying and dealing with conflict in a project context.
Pitagorsky states up front that conflict management is not a cookbook solution to disagreement-a set of prescribed actions to be applied in all situations. His overall approach seeks to balance two aspects of conflict management: analysis based on a codified process and people-centered behavioral skills. 
The book differentiates conflict resolution and conflict management. Management goes beyond resolution to include relationship building that may serve to avoid conflict or facilitate resolution if it occurs.
Project Management Institute


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Zen book cover

The Zen Approach to Project Management 
By George Pitagorsky


Projects are often more complex and stressful than they need to be. Far too many of them fail to meet expectations. There are far too many conflicts. There are too few moments of joy and too much anxiety. But there is hope. It is possible to remove the unnecessary stress and complexity. This book is about how to do just that. It links the essential principles and techniques of managing projects to a "wisdom" approach for working with complex, people-based activities.


Project management becomes a metaphor for how we can live our lives and, if we follow the wisdom traditions, the way we live our lives becomes a metaphor for how to manage projects. 

"The Zen approach to Project Management brings together sound wisdom, a nuts-and-bolts grasp of practicalities, and original insights. It's the Zen that's been missing in all too many of today's business books, and George Pitagorsky is the master we've needed." 
Daniel Goleman, author Social Intelligence 
International Institute for Learning, Inc. (IIL)
