Breakthrough Newsletter

Volume III Issue 4



Breakthrough Newsletter

By George Pitagorsky

Volume III, Issue  4                                                                                  TopApril 2011

In This Issue

Fight Greed, Anger and Ignorance to Promote Clarity and Joy

"Productive insight; clear (often sudden)
understanding of a complex situation."  Free Dictionary

Pop the bubble of conditioned
thinking and emerge into the creative realm of "no absolutes," continuous
change, uncertainty and unlimited possibilities.

Then, there can be innovation,
adaptation and optimal performance.

Performance & Open-minded Mindfulness:
Open-minded: questioning everything,
accepting diversity and uncertainty. 

Mindful: consciously aware; concentrated.

Foundation for blending process, project,
engagement and knowledge management into a cohesive approach to optimize

This Newsletter
Our aim is to stimulate the kind of thinking, dialogue and understanding that leads to optimal performance. 

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Fight Greed, Anger and Ignorance to Promote Clarity and Joy

by George Pitagorsky

Risk vs Reward

Greed, anger and ignorance are root causes of the problems we face both collectively and as individuals. 

There is an increasing polarization as entrenched interests struggle to protect themselves from scrutiny and ideologues distort the truth to confuse people and get their votes, money or attention.  People are frustrated and fearful and their frustration and fear are seized upon by opportunists who fan it into anger fueled by ignorance.

In the April 14, 2011 NY Times there is an article on the recent passage of legislation in Iowa to make taking unauthorized pictures of animal rights and health violations illegal. This legislation is supported by players in the food industry whose shoddy practices have been found out because activists surreptitiously videotaped repulsive unhealthy practices at various companies. The supporters in this case are vehemently opposed to government controls (except of course when controls are to their benefit).

The governor of Maine is seeking to permit development in state forest preserves saying things like "conserving people's jobs is more important than conserving animals."  Who gains when public lands are opened to development?  What is the long term effect?

Conservatives fight against regulations in almost every industry based on the idea that individual companies (like banks and insurance firms, food processors, oil and gas companies) will police themselves.  Have they ever?  Why would they be expected to start now? These same anti government control conservatives have no problem supporting legislation that regulates a woman's right to choose or the right to use marijuana.

A food company put out an ad that promotes its sweet breakfast strudel by showing that they are so good that a kid would steal one from his sister. Not only do they promote horrible food choices but they show a complete lack of caring for ethical behavior. Other firms push caffeine and sugar laden soft drinks to young people creating addicts who will continue to buy, buy, buy while their teeth rot. 

Conservatives clamor for debt reduction yet give tax breaks to the rich while taking support away from the poor and middle class. Kind of reverse Robin Hoods who are willing to sacrifice long term growth by cutting education budgets while giving tax loop holes to the likes of GE and Chevron and supporting continued spending on war materials.

Politicians and celebrities use big lie tactics to further what may be racist agendas or just plain perverse desires to get votes or publicity when they continue to state that President Obama was not born in the U.S., even in the face of clear evidence in the form of certified state documents to the contrary. Are these "birthers" just ignorant or are they purposefully playing on the emotions of a public that tends to believe what they hear on their favorite TV program without bothering to verify.

Let's Reject Greedy Liars and Anger Mongers

I would like to think that the majority of the American people are clever enough to go beyond politics and ideologies to see things clearly and reject anyone who supports hiding or distorting the truth to enrich themselves at the expense of others.

But it is not only at the level of government and macro economy that these issues are relevant. We find hypocrites, ignorant close minded, greedy and angry people in our everyday lives, in our projects and neighborhoods.

It is at the individual level that we have the ability to change the world around us. 

Let's reject the poisons of anger, greed and ignorance that obscure the calm presence, caring and joy that is at our core. 

Speak out against ignorant hate mongers and against greedy business people who are more than willing to trade-off our future for this year's profits.

Regardless of your positions on the issues, watch your own anger and choose to transform it into clarity.  While you might be able to justify your anger, remember that it probably hurts you as much or more than it hurts your perceived enemies. Action fueled by anger is ultimately destructive. Action based on clarity has the promise of a positive outcome.

Question everything.

Don't be deluded into thinking that simplistic one dimensional solutions will have the effects you would like. It is a sign of ignorance to believe that short range vision and blind optimism instead of objective analysis of risks vs. rewards will lead to winning results.  Take for example building hundreds of nuclear reactors without having a clear plan for waste disposal and a delusional belief that accidents won't happen. How many initiatives and projects, whether personal, corporate or governmental, are based on such delusional thinking?

Accept the facts of impermanence and uncertainty and seek practical solutions that deliver sustainable progress towards greater compassion, sustainability, health and general welfare.

It is only with realistic acceptance of things as they are and an attitude that seeks to do no harm and do good whenever you can that we can turn our world around to the positive.

© 2011 Pitagorsky Consulting  
